Your postpartum doula doesn’t forget YOU.

Having a baby is a very exciting time. 10 tiny toes and 10 tiny fingers. Those perfect little faces and adorable coo’s. What is not to love about babies?! Your friends and loved ones can hardly wait to meet your new addition and steal some of those amazing snuggles that babies are the best at giving. But you know what is often forgotten during this time? YOU. The person who just gave birth. The person who carried the baby for their entire pregnancy and now is caring for that adorable little human, all while trying to recover from a major physical event.

That’s where a postpartum doula comes in. She does not forget about YOU or what you’re going through - a time full of love and exhaustion. She is there to care for you, your baby, and your family. She is there to make this adjustment easier, and more restful. She is a listening ear and a helping hand.

Those first weeks with a new baby mean going through many changes, both emotionally and physically. You’re getting to know your child and how to care for their needs. You are getting to know your body again. This time often involves changes in your relationship as you and your partner navigate what it means to have a new baby in your home. If you have other children, there may be a pull from them too, as they learn about being a big sibling. It is normal to experience a wide range of emotions as we go through this time. Your doula will be there to help with all of this. She can work with your family and help you develop routines that reduce stress. She can tackle household tasks like laundry so that you can focus on what really matters. She can help prep meals and snacks so that you can easily nourish your body. She can help with baby-care, or sibling-care or even walk the dog or run errands. The goal is to ensure that you feel completely cared for and as rested as possible.

When people think of a postpartum doula, they often think about someone who can come and take care of your baby. And while that is not wrong, they certainly can do that, there is so much more to this profession. Doulas provide family support and help with recovery from childbirth. So, while everyone around you is so focused on the new baby, your postpartum doula will never forget about you.

Welcome Baby Co. is a Calgary-based company. We are happy to support all kinds of families through all kinds of birth and postpartum. Our goal is to prepare you for any scenario that may arise so that you can feel confident and empowered as you enter parenthood.

If you have any questions about Calgary birth doulas, Calgary postpartum doulas, or our Prenatal classes in Calgary, please contact us.


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