Doula Team Cayla & Kate
About Cayla & Kate
Cayla and Kate are the logical choice if you are looking for unique, comprehensive, personalized care that expands your team of support and expertise even further. Joining forces, they bring together their years of experience, additional education (lactation and feeding, infant sleep, and childbirth education), and passion for empowering families and their individual needs, values, and preferences.
Cayla and Kate often get asked how they met. Kate was looking for doula support for the birth of her second child. During the consultation, Kate immediately felt her warmth and knew she was the right doula for her. Cayla supported Kate through her VBAC which left her feeling empowered and confident, having Cayla by her side helped Kate heal the trauma from her first birth. This changed Kate’s career path, and from the beginning of her journey as a doula, she’s been working with the Cayla and the Welcome Baby Co. team. When Cayla decided working in a partnership was the next step in her doula career, she knew Kate was the perfect match.
When they’re off call, they’re time is filled with rest and being with their families. Kate recharges by being outdoors, riding bikes with her family through Fish Creek, camping, or finding a new coffee shop with a park close by. She always has a craft project on the go, usually to do with the upcoming holiday. Crocheting Halloween ghosts and sanding the trunk of a fallen tree to make a side table have been some of her favorite projects. Cayla can be found at the dog park with her dog Tom, tending to her large urban garden, canning rhubarb jam, salsa or pickled carrots, and camping with her family in their camper trailer. Welcome Baby Co. has brought her a lot of fulfillment in her work life, and she’s working on slowing down and enjoying the small moments in her personal life.
As your doulas, you can count on an evidence-based and compassionate approach, working to support you in having your best birth and postpartum experience. We understand that every birthing journey is unique and unpredictable, and we are here to help you prepare for and navigate all the paths it could go down. As the adventure unfolds, we will be there to offer guidance, reassurance, and ensure that you feel empowered and well-cared for.
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